Madame Null

Hacker | Admin | Developer | Devil | Woman

Hello (onion) world

I am Madame Null.

I do a little bit of stuff on the Tor network, a little bit of hacking, a little bit of administration, and a little bit of development. This site collects everything I make and offer.

Check out the links in the menu and have fun.


If you want to order something or chat, you can catch me on Pitch^ or send me an email. Here is my pgp key, if you know how to use it, you also know what my email is.

I do not answer unencrypted messages, so please use my key, encrypt the message and provide your gpg key. Then I will definitely reply. Otherwise… so long sucker!

Post Scriptum

All external links on this blog has ^ symbol at the end.

If you don’t have the money, don’t waste your time on me, darling.

(I do not show boobs, nor do I send pictures of them.)
